
The Posture of Grace
Romans 14:1-12

PRAYER:  Holy God, Three-in-one, united, we come before you full of strife and all too often, filled with anger.  Teach us to put our anger, our rivalries, our differences behind us and unite in the joy that comes from you. May the words of my mouth and the...

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Love’s Balance Sheet
Romans 13:8-14

PRAYER: God of Love and Justice, teach us to reorder our hearts that we may put love at the top of our agendas. Let all other things fall away that we may practice love first and foremost. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all of our hearts be...

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Heroes of the Faith: Rahab
Joshua 2:1-14

PRAYER: Holy and loving God, you call us to be bold in our faith. Remind us today of that calling and strengthen our resolve that we may live boldly as your disciples, re-presenting Christ to our neighbors and building community based in your love. May the words of my...

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