
Get Up
Mark 5:21-43

PRAYER:  God of healing, open our hearts and minds to the possibilities that exist when we turn to you.  Bring us the strength and the wisdom to feel your hand guiding us, moving us toward blessings that we may not even know that we need.  Be among us today, and...

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God Provides the Growth
Mark 4:26-34 PRAYER:  God of creation, we often struggle to figure out all the answers, to strategize, to plan, to build a church that will grow.  But we so often forget that it is not through our efforts, but yours.  Make us a trusting...

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God’s Expanding Love
Mark 2:23-3:6   PRAYER:  God of grace and mercy, tend the ground of our souls that the love that grows from it may flourish and bloom.  Expand our hearts and minds to see the world around us with fresh vision and newfound hope.  May...

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If We Knew Then…
Acts 2:1-21

PRAYER:  Holy one, we come ready to receive anew the gifts of your spirit that will give us vision to form and reform ourselves as a people of Pentecost.  Come through this place and light our hearts on fire that we may proclaim and demonstrate God’s love to the...

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We Share Christ
John 17:6-19 PRAYER: Jesus, throughout your time on this earth, you taught us about love, about empathy, about proclaiming and demonstrating God’s unyielding love for others. Teach us once again of your ways, and inspire us in our lives...

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We Love One Another
John 15:9-17

PRAYER:  Jesus, our savior, we give you thanks that you have demonstrated for us how we are to love one another.  Guide us in our lives and in our ministry that we can work to create an environment in which your love is able to flourish.   May the words of my mouth...

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We Bear Fruit
John 15:1-8 PRAYER:  Jesus the true vine, we give you thanks for the connection we have to God the Creator through you.  Teach us to remain in that connection that we may always bear fruit in your name.  May the words of my mouth and...

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The GOOD Shepherd
John 10:11-18 PRAYER: Jesus the Good Shepherd, you taught your disciples and you taught us what it means to be your followers. Remind us again today of your calling on our hearts that we may strive to be your church for an ever-evolving...

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