
God’s Impeccable Timing

Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 PRAYER:  God of our baptism, thank you for welcoming us into the family of grace.  Remind us once again of the fact that we are your beloved.  Place within our memories the fact that with...

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Faith of Hard Choices

John 6:56-69 PRAYER:  Savior of our lives, we often find ourselves at a point at which we must make a choice.  In following you, we’ve made a choice.  Be among us this day as we renew our pledge to be your...

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Going All-In

John 6:51-58 PRAYER:  God of abundance, challenge us and enable us to live fully in the faith that you offer us.  Show us how living without fear, and with hope can bring us to a life that is abundant and eternal.  May the...

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No Time is Wasted

Proverbs 8:22-31 PRAYER:  Holy and loving God, remind us today of the sacredness of every moment we spend in your presence.  Remind us that You will not let our foot be moved; You who keeps us will not slumber. ...

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Purpose is Present

Matthew 14:13-21 View Video PRAYER:  God of abundance, we get so caught up on all the things we think we have to accomplish first, that we forget that you are the source of all blessings.  And so, remind us today that you call us to be your hands and feet –...

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Who Am I?

Acts 9:1-19; John 21:15-19 PRAYER:  God of grace and second chances, we all have gone down paths that have informed our lives in some way, shape, or form.  Enable us to recognize those moments, those experiences as ways to draw closer to you and others, that...

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What Is a Purpose?

Matthew 5:13-16 PRAYER:  God of salt and light, be among us today as we seek to explore the purpose you have for us.  Enable us to hear your calling that we, as a church, may strive to live into that purpose, that...

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Why Am I Here

John 3:1-9 PRAYER:  God of purpose, be among us today as we ask the big questions.  Be among us as we seek answers about – of all things – our purpose.  Fill our hearts and minds with words of affirmation… with words that fill us...

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Get Up
Mark 5:21-43

PRAYER:  God of healing, open our hearts and minds to the possibilities that exist when we turn to you.  Bring us the strength and the wisdom to feel your hand guiding us, moving us toward blessings that we may not even know that we need.  Be among us today, and...

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God Provides the Growth
Mark 4:26-34 PRAYER:  God of creation, we often struggle to figure out all the answers, to strategize, to plan, to build a church that will grow.  But we so often forget that it is not through our efforts, but yours.  Make us a trusting...

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